Dog with an apple and glassesMake them a part of the family. Dogs are pack orientated mammals they need the warmth and love that comes with living indoors with their family.

Pet proof your house. Research what might be harmful to your pets at home to keep them safe from anything that could harm them. Make sure those items are kept safe so your pet can't get to it. 

Care for your pet. Regular visits to the vet and the groomer are necessary for your pets health.

Spay and Neuter your pet. Studies have shown that spayed and neutered cats and dogs tend to live longer and healthier lives. This can also help with behavior problems among pets.

Always keep an ID tag on your pet. Consider microchipping your pet so you can find and identify them if ever lost or stolen.

Train your pet obedience. A dog should be able to understand simple direction like "stand" or "sit". Training your dog could save you in emergency situations.

Give them the exercise they need. All pets require regular exercise to stay fit and healthy, without it your pet may start to act out. Young pets that don't exercise tend to develop bad behavior problems when they continue to grow.

Feed them properly. Ask your vet what and how much you should feed your pet. Keeping your pet on a controlled diet could help the pet maintain weight better and decrease the risk of weight related health problems.

Socializing. Introducing your pet to other pets and people can boost their confidence. Socializing also helps the dog exert energy.

Catch your dog being good. Its easy to get caught up in being angry when your dog's in trouble, but rewarding them out of the blue for good behavior lets him/her know they're doing the right thing.

Keep a positive attitude. Your dogs knows when your angry, they can read energy!

Dogs are not born understanding English. The new puppy you just brought home doesn't understand the word no. Instead of expecting them to drop whatever they're doing show them what you want them to do.

mixed breed of dogs